Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 2014

Well damn, I haven't updated this blog since Lori dumped me in April 2013. Oh well, not a whole lot going on anyway. I finally decided to tackle my credit card issues head-on! I joined a debt relief program and if all goes well, everything will be paid off in January 2016!! Combine that with a loan that will be paid in about May of '16, and I'll be pretty much debt free by the Summer of '16! I'll actually have a little money to put in the bank. Who knows, I might even find a girlfriend when I have a little money. Most women (I said MOST, not all) are about guys with money anyway!

Since I last updated this, we're down to 1 dog, Oscar, and 1 cat, Reba. Fox, Dolly, and Pookey all had to put down due to health issues. Damn, we miss all of them.

Mom's good, brothers are good, animals are good, and hopefully, there's light at the end of my financial tunnel! Catch y'all later!!!!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Well, that didn't last long!!

Well, after 5 1/2 months, I'm completely single again. Sadly, Lori and I broke up yesterday. She wasn't happy and apparently, I couldn't make her happy. She always wanted to go out and I usually didn't have the money. And everytime there was a difference of opinion, it was always my fault, whether it really was or not. Looks like the moral of the story is: I guess I'm just not boyfriend material. Women are all about guys with money, and I usually don't have any. But, I did the best I could where she was concerned and apparently it wasn't enough. She said she hopes we can still be friends. We'll see about that. No telling what the future holds! Anyway, maybe she'll find someone that can make her happy.

Sunday, March 03, 2013


Damn, it's been over a year since I updated this blog. Might as well get it up-to-date! In 2012, the best thing I did was finally find a girlfriend! Her name is Lori Miller and we've been dating about 4 months now. So far, so good. A woman who didn't play the "let's just be friends" card! What a concept! There's been a little difference of opinion or two, but we're doing good, so hopefully it will stay that way.

Attended 7 more Mustang Sally shows in 2012. They had to replace 3 members for one reason or another, my first show with the new members was a little strange, but they still rock!! 

July 1st will make 4 years that I've been with Lowes (already?), still going good there, they all seem to like me pretty well out there. I still have the Kia Sorento and have re-financed it so my payments are about $35 cheaper! And, I need all the money I can get, so that's good.

Mom's doing good, the brothers are doing good, Oscar is still a beast, and the cats are getting cranky in their old age! LOL!! That updates everything in my life. Till next time: PEACE OUT!!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Hello 2012!!

Well, a new year has begun. Not sure if that's good or bad, but I guess I'll take what it gives me.
2011 was, without a doubt, the most financially challenging year of my life. As mentioned in a previous blog, I have a new vehicle, a 2011 Kia Sorento. It's been a great vehicle, but I've pretty much stayed broke ever since. And, I feel so bad for my poor Discover card. It's taken such a beating! But, what choice did I have? It was the only way I could buy anything, because my paychecks had to be used for car payments, loan payments, and other bills. Now, that the new year is here, and tax time is here (getting back about $1,500! yay me!), I'll be able to have some money in the bank finally! Plus, I'll probably have to work some Friday nights, so that will be a little extra money, too.
2011 brought me 8 more Mustang Sally shows, bringing my count up to 34!! (the fact that I'm keeping count probably means I have no life! LOL) Hopefully, I'll be able to hit some shows this year, too. Love those ladies (and Jake's OK, too)!
Til the next blog, PEACE OUT!!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

blog update

No, I don't need to vent this time. I'm just gonna update what's been going on.
I have a new vehicle! A 2011 Kia Sorrento! I've had it almost 4 months, so far so good. It's a little bigger than the Toyota RAV-4 I had, which was a great vehicle for 5 1/2 years. I love the Sirius Satellite radio that's in it. I hope to keep this vehicle for a long time. It's financed for 6 years, so I know I'll have it that long!
It's been 4 months since I've been to a Mustang Sally show. They play up in the Midwest pretty much all summer, so with a new SUV, I stay pretty much broke now! But, if nothing happens, I'll see them August 26 in Fernandina Beach, FL. Always look forward to seeing their show! THEY ROCK!
Mom's doing good after having her knee replaced back in mid-June. My brother moved out of the party house, so it's officially a party house again. Glad I remembered how to play pool!
Anyway, till the next time I update this blog, SEE YA!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

time to vent

Well, I haven't updated this blog since last July. Hasn't been much reason to, very little going on except work and going to Mustang Sally concerts. So, this might be a good time to get some things out of my system.
I SO wish I could afford to move away and start over somewhere else. I really need to get the hell out of South Georgia! Other than my family, there's really nothing keeping me here. My best friend got married and now works in Lake City, FL. Some of my so-called "friends" around here are nothing but liars and hypocrites! I never get invited to anything, it seems like I'm only their friend as long as they can get something out of me. A friend made the point over the weekend that if I move away, I'll be in a city where I don't know anyone and no one knows me. Which is a fair point, but it can't be much worse than it is here. I've made some wonderful friends thru going to Mustang Sally concerts. I think all of them care more about me than friends I've had for years. It's always great to go to a concert, knowing I'll have a chance to hang out with some of them. They don't mind my company and they seem to appreciate my friendship, which more than I can say for a lot of the people here. It seems the older I get, the more I realize who my real friends are and who could care less about me. When God forbid something happens to my Mom, I'm gonna seriously consider moving somewhere else, maybe transfer to a Lowes DC in North Carolina, or they're supposed to be building a new DC somewhere in Atlanta. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Anyway, I feel better now! I'll try to do better about updating this blog!

Monday, July 05, 2010

it's summer time!!

Well, here it is July and it's hot as hell! Which means sweating thru 2 shirts a night at work, and probably losing some weight along the way. Oh well, comes with the territory, I guess.
Seattle was a great trip! Enjoyed spending a week with Matt and Lori and the kids. We went to the top of the Space Needle, went to the Hard Rock Cafe for Lori's birthday, took a trip to McChord AFB in Ft. Lewis (God bless our trips!), and Matt and I went to a Mariners game. They lost to the Blue Jays, but we had a good time, and Safeco Field is a nice stadium! I would definitely go back to Seattle.
Next on the agenda, a trip up to Norcross to see Mustang Sally, then Mom and I are going to Biloxi the end of August to do some gambling and see 2 Mustang Sally shows. Should be a fun weekend!
Otherwise, everything's about the same. Mom and my 2 brothers are fine, the pets are doing good, and it's good to have a few extra dollars with my loan and SUV paid off!