Saturday, July 19, 2008

Reba update!

In the last blog, I mentioned how I thought we'd lost our outside cat, Reba, because we hadn't seen in almost two weeks. Well, my brother saw her tonight! Something must have scared her away from our house, right how she's under the party house. So, for the time being, we'll be feeding her down there till she gets used to us again. Because, Lord knows we won't hurt her. Other than the fact that she looks like she's lost some weight, she looks normal. So, needless to say, Mom breathed a big sigh of relief!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Latest update!!

Well, here's the latest from my world:
I got busted down to the bottom of the ladder at work. I was told that if I didn't want to move back up to a permanent Machine Operator job, then they saw no reason to keep me in the Asst. Operator job. So, I'm back to just stacking bags. And, ya know what? I'm happy with it. I actually don't mind going to work these days, there's little or no pressure on me anymore. I think I'll stay right where I'm at as long as I'm working there.
On to my Mom: she needs back surgery, but it's been pushed back twice. The last time was because she found out she's diabetic. Talk about a shock, she had no idea! When I took her to the hospital, her blood sugar count was 340! Since getting out of the hospital, she's now able to keep it in the 100-140 range, where it should be. So, hopefully, if nothing happens, Mom should have her surgery on either July 21st or (more likely) 28th.
I mentioned in a previous blog that it looks like we're going to Disney World in December. Well, it's paid for and we're going! That's another reason why Mom wants to get this back surgery over with: so she can be fully recovered in time to have fun down there.
And, we're going on another cruise in March, which Mom says will probably be her last. So, we'll definitely make the best of that trip!
Looks like we've lost another cat, too. We haven't seen our outside cat, Reba, in almost a week. We're afraid that she went into the woods on our property and something got her. That's unfortunate, she was a good cat. She was even starting to like me! LOL
Anyway, I'll try to keep this blog updated a little better. (How many times have I said that, right?)

Pay attention, ladies!

I read on a woman's MySpace page that all she wants is for "one guy to prove that they're not all the same!" (To her credit, it doesn't get any better than a 40-year old woman with the body of a 22-year old.)It's your typical woman comment: a woman gets treated badly by one guy, and now all guys are scum of the earth. WRONG! She then finds a great guy and says he's "one of the few good ones left." WRONG AGAIN!! The truth is: there's a lot of great guys out there who aren't given a fair shot by women.
Hey ladies, here's a strange and bizarre concept: lower your standards a little bit. Not every guy is gonna be filthy rich, have Brad Pitt-type looks, or have 6-pack abs. A lot of guys are basically nice guys with good hearts who know how to treat a lady if given a chance. But, they get thrown by the wayside in favor of the guy who talks a good game and throws a little so-called "charm" in her direction. Then, when she gets her heart broken, she can't understand how she could have been so wrong about him.
For me personally, I gave up on a girlfriend/future wife a long time ago. If it happens, great. If not, oh well, it's the women's loss.So, ladies, give some of us "regular" guys a chance. You might actually find what you've been looking for in a man, and it was probably right in front of you the entire time.