Sunday, July 29, 2007

Our first party.

Last night was the first get-together in the new party house. It was definitely a success!! About 20-25 people showed up, mostly family, and we played pool, threw darts, and played a little poker, and just hung out! And, we got nothing but compliments on how the place looked. It was the culmination of about a year's worth of hard work! Looking forward to a lot of fun in that place in the future!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

First pics of party house.

Well, after so many updates about our new party house, I come bearing pics. There's still things to add to it, like the poker table that's over at a friend's house, but we're looking forward to our first blowout later this month.

It's been a lot of hard work, but it's gonna be worth it just to have somewhere to hang out and have a good time.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The floor is finished!

We laid down all the linoleum on the floor in the party house. Now, we can start moving in the pool table, poker table, et al. But, we've decided we're probably gonna wait till the end of the month to have a party, after Mom comes back from Philadelphia. When it's finished and decorated, I'll take some pics and post them on here.