Favorite Halloween Memory!
With Halloween coming up, I thought this would be a cute memory to share. One year, I was nominated by Mom and Dad to pass out the Halloween candy to the little kids. I thought to myself, "if I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna have fun with it!" So, I went in the closet and found an old monk outfit (complete with hood) and a hockey mask, which of course, looked like what Jason wore in the movies. Then, I squirted fake blood all over the mask and laid down on the front steps. When the kids approached, I would slowly rise up and give a devilish laugh! Needless to say, it scared the hell out of the kids, who would run crying back to their parents. I had several Moms tell me, "you should be ashamed of yourself for scaring little kids like that!" Uh, I don't think so! Mom thought it was mean, Dad thought it was hillarious!